
How Much Money Can You Make Selling Hair Extensions

Fancy making some actress greenbacks from your fabled caput of hair? We've got the tips you need to read before you allow anyone most you with those scissors.

woman cutting her hair in bathroom next to purse

Credit: Didecs (background), sanneberg (woman), NotionPic (purse) – Shutterstock

If yous're short of a bob or two, a pair of scissors is all that stands between you and a couple of hundred quid – correct?

Only while selling your hair isn't exactly a quick manner to make cash (unless yous've already got a head of healthy locks set for snipping), there's some easy money to exist fabricated if y'all're planning on growing it anyway.

Here'due south what yous need to know to get ahead of the hair market.

You could besides brand money from walking, which requires even less endeavour than selling your pilus.

What yous demand to know near selling your hair

This is what you lot need to know if you want to sell your hair:

  1. Homo hair is in demand

    Whether it's for weaves, wigs or extensions, human pilus is in demand – and information technology's not merely almost fashion, either. People can lose their own for all kinds of reasons, from ageing to illness or just the luck of the describe.

    Man hair is preferred for wigs and extensions instead of constructed for the aforementioned reasons it looks skillful growing out of your caput: it looks natural and information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel to wash, colour or mode.

    Human being hair has also been used in a whole variety of nifty and nightmarish ways, from mopping upwardly oil spills to supplementing pet nutrient. Whatsoever the reason, there are lots of places to sell your locks.

  2. Information technology'due south what's on the top of your caput that counts

    Just in case y'all're wondering – wig makers desire the hair from your head. There are places to sell 'other' types of hair, only nosotros'll let you sniff those out for yourself...

    The proficient news is that hair harvesting isn't just for girly girls – there's no reason why guys tin can't get in on the act, too.

    If that sounds wonderfully egalitarian, bear in heed that need for hair from dissimilar ethnic groups varies massively around the world, with one UK hair handler stating they pay less for Asian pilus than Caucasian. Information technology's a buyer's market place.

  3. Grow information technology long and to an fifty-fifty length

    highland cow

    You might have seen adverts offer upwards to £200 for your greasy locks, but if that sounds similar a shortcut to easy money... information technology'southward not.

    Read the small print and you'll find payment typically starts at effectually £15 for at to the lowest degree 10 inches of pilus. That'due south roughly equivalent to starting with shoulder-length hair and cutting all merely a few inches off – and you'll earn less than the cost of the average haircut.

    The weight of your hair too makes a difference, with fabulous, full locks being in more demand than finer types. This is 1 fourth dimension it pays to be thick!

    Avoid getting your hair layered, also. Nearly buyers want hair that'south the same length all the fashion around, but information technology is worth getting a inexpensive trim once in a while to keep the carve up ends abroad.

  4. You need to plan ahead and go along information technology healthy

    So, the money'southward not great – unless you plan in accelerate. And, given hair grows just six inches a twelvemonth (if you're lucky), we could exist talking serious training.

    For starters, the big coin is in long hair: you'll need at least 16 inches of even hair (it won't piece of work if you have layers) to make between £50 and £150.

    Note the range, too – how much you actually get depends on how the buyer assesses the status of your hair.

    Wash your pilus with a shampoo that doesn't comprise sulfates, as this tends to dry hair out. Washing your pilus every solar day will also cause the aforementioned problem, as you lot'll strip it of its natural oils. If you tin, try washing it just twice a week to keep information technology shiny and strong.

  5. Don't use heat on your hair to manner it

    To stand a decent chance of selling your hair, it'southward got to be in fantabulous, natural condition: not coloured, lightened, chemically treated or damaged in any mode (including sun damage).

    Untreated hair (or "virgin pilus" equally it's known on the market) sells for much more than whatever that's been coloured, permanently straightened or permed.

    While this doesn't mean you tin can't have done those things in the by, information technology does mean you'll take to grow your hair out and lop off those bits before yous can concentrate on harvesting the good stuff. Yes, this really is a long game.

  6. Find a heir-apparent before you cut it off

    Yous could cease upward kicking yourself if you don't follow the rules before you lot catch the shears. Luckily, there are simply a few to go along in mind:

    • Some companies won't accept annihilation other than freshly chopped hair, and so don't hack it off until y'all find a heir-apparent.
    • Hair needs to be tightly secured, usually in a ponytail, before you lot cutting it off. Some buyers also say itmust be a ponytail and not a braid, just check with them offset.
    • You don't need to visit a barber to become your pilus cut, but make sure you know what's expected before having a go yourself.
  7. Getting a haircut can be traumatic

    hair stylist at work
    We've all had 1 of those snips that have left u.s. reaching for a lid – simply if you think that'southward bad, going from Rapunzel to Phil Mitchell overnight can exist pure torture.

    It doesn't matter how long yous've been prepping for it, making the leap from long hair to barely there is going to feel pretty strange at commencement. Plus it's going to weird out everyone you know, too. Don't say we didn't warn you!

  8. Package up your hair correctly

    Make sure you pack upwardly your hair post-obit the instructions given to you by your buyer – these might have been outlined in your contract, so yous'll want to requite it a read before wrapping up.

    If none were given, put your hair (still in the hair bobble) in a sandwich bag or clean container and then place it in a tightly sealed envelope. Retrieve to send it off with a tracking code so you lot and your buyer can follow your package. Bon voyage!

    Don't forget there are other ways to monetise your mane, including existence a cutting-and-colour guinea pig (ask your hairdresser), running a beauty weblog or hair demos, or being a hair model.

    And if you're creatively minded and not hands creeped out, you tin even make and sell your own unique paint brushes, art or jewellery on Etsy.

Where to sell your pilus

Here are the best places to sell your hair:

  • There are a couple of well-known hair-buying sites, so it'southward worth seeing what they offering or suggest earlier committing to anyone in detail: endeavour Bloomsbury or Banbury Postiche.
  • Try looking for wig makers or hair colleges in your surface area, or inquire your hairdresser for leads.
  • It's harder to detect other industries that volition have your barnet off your easily, but they are out there: false lashes, industrial gardening kits and fertilisers all use hair.
  • You tin can try selling straight yourself: there's plenty of action on eBay and Gumtree. Make sure to include lots of details and photos about your hair'due south length and condition, and use keywords such as 'virgin hair', 'afro' or 'direct' as applicable.
  • If yous're in it for the long haul, set up a YouTube channel or another social media aqueduct defended to your hair'due south progress so buyers have plenty of time to find you (and, who knows, peradventure even start a behest war). While you're there, meet if yous tin activate your account for advert and earn a lilliputian extra on the side.

Superlative tips for growing sellable hair

These are the all-time means to maximise the amount of money y'all make from selling your hair:

  1. Know what y'all're aiming for and what's involved: if you're after fifteen inches of shiny, virgin hair, you're going to have to commit!
  2. Ditch the hairdryer and straighteners, and keep your head abroad from extreme heat. Apply products (hairspray, wax or whatever) sparingly, wash out thoroughly when they've done the job, and and so towel-dry out your hair gently.
  3. Deep condition your hair once a week with coconut oil overnight (only protect your PJs and pillows first!), or use one of these homemade pilus treats.
  4. Wear a hat or use a oestrus protection spray in the sun, and remember twice about pond or surfing without a cap (you can forget about trying to lighten your hair with lemon juice, too!).
  5. Don't go basics brushing your hair as well much or too enthusiastically – you could end up breaking it.
  6. Get healthy from the inside: go plenty of water, fruit and veg and plenty slumber. Oh, and don't fume (and try to avert being around anyone else smoking too).

Donate your pilus to clemency

Okay, this route will earn you extra brownie points rather than extra cash, but if you lot're feeling generous you could also donate your pilus to charity. Apparently, even the likes of Kate Middleton and Harry Styles have donated their locks.

Certain charities collect human hair to make into wigs for people undergoing chemotherapy. They are given away free of charge – wigs made out of real human being hair are expensive, remember.

For example, the Little Princess Trust provides wigs for people under the historic period of 24 who have lost their hair to chemotherapy. The donated pilus still has to see certain requirements, which are usually very like to those of regular buyers, so double-bank check whether your hair meets the standards earlier giving it the snip.

Craving more than left-field ideas? We've compiled a list of the weirdest ways students brand coin.


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