
Microsoft's secret list of Android patents revealed by Chinese government

Although Microsoft has a licensing understanding that embrace over 70 percent of all Android devices sold in the US, the exact nature of the patents utilised past the Android ecosystem wasn't divulged, until now. Every bit part of the regulatory sign-off of Microsoft's Nokia acquisition, China's Ministry building of Commerce (MOFCOM) has published a listing of 310 patents that highlight the technologies that Microsoft collects royalties on.

The Chinese bureau institute that 73 of the 310 patents were standard-essential, along with 127 patents that Microsoft claims are implemented in Android. The listing also contains 110 non-standard essential patents along with the patents that Microsoft acquired during the Rockstar auction. MOFCOM launched the investigation to determine whether Microsoft would use its patent portfolio to gain an uncompetitive atmosphere following the closure of the Nokia deal.

It is estimated that the Microsoft nets effectually $1 to $two billion in revenues from Android licensing agreements with several manufacturers, and that number is probable to grow by a large margin considering the growth of Android in emerging markets.

Information technology is interesting that the list was discovered on the Chinese language version of MOFCOM, considering the English language language site fabricated no mention of the patent lists. Microsoft has come up under criticism over the final few years for the way it handles patent litigation, which was highlighted in the Barnes & Noble case.

Microsoft has since been more than forthcoming in revealing its patent portfolio, and has created a folio that allows you to view and search all patents endemic by the Redmond based organization. However, the listing does not indicate which particular patents are infringed by Android, which is why the listing published by MOFCOM is significant.

To take a look at all the patents, click here to download the Give-and-take document.

Source: MOFCOM; Via: Ars Technica

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