
how to find someone birthday online

Be it your friends, family members, coworkers, or your flatmate, if you know them for a long time, suddenly asking about their birthday can be a little rude.

It feels like you don't care to connect with them. Or it simply doesn't matter to you if they are a part of your life or not.

And if by mistake it's your wife or your girlfriend whose birthday you don't remember, never take the risk of asking them personally.

You might have to walk around in the city, covered in plaster and bandages for some days. So it's better to look for their birth date anonymously.

There are many hacks that will help you find someone's birthday without asking that person personally.

So let's find out the birthday of your loved ones using the hacks mentioned in the article and throw them a great party before it's too late.

How To Find Out Someone's Birthday For Free?

Below are the quick links to directly go to different ways to find someone's birthday:

  •  Birthday Lookup on Social Media For Free
    • Using Instagram
    • Find Someone's Birthday On Facebook
    • Find Out Someone's Birthday On Snapchat
    • How To Find Someone's Birthday On LinkedIn
  • WhatsApp
  • Call A Friend
  • Information Through Conversation
  • Extracting Documents By Excuse
  • Finding Someone's Birthday With Paid Platforms
  • Use The Information Correctly

Birthday Lookup On Social Media

If the person whose birthday you want to know is a social butterfly, then you won't find it difficult to look for their birthday on various social media accounts.

Let's see how you can know someone's birthday using Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Linkedin accounts.


There's no specific column on Instagram where you can just go and look for someone's personal information. But still, there are many may ways through which you can get to know about the birth date of your loved one.

Checking Out Bio

Some people like to mention about their birthday right inside their Instagram bio. So maybe the person whose birth date you want to know might have also done the same.

And it's really easy to check the Instagram bio.

1. Use the search option to find out their Instagram profile by typing their correct Instagram username. If you don't know their username, just type their name and look for the suggestions given by Instagram. Find them from your follower or following list if either you follow them or they follow you.

search for the person on instagram

2. Open their profile when you find them on Instagram. Here you can clearly see their bio on the profile page and see if they have mentioned anything about their birthday in their bio.

free birthday lookup on Instagram

For checking someone's bio you don't even need to be added as their Instagram follower. Even if they have chosen to keep their profile private, then also it's possible to look at their bio.

Checking The Tagged Posts

This method has more chances than the above one in providing you the information related to your wife/girlfriend's birthday.

People often tag the birthday boy/girl on their special day and you just need to scroll down the posts on which they were tagged.

But you can only follow this hack if you follow that person on Instagram. So if you do follow them, continue reading this hack.

1. Go to the profile page of the person whose birthday you want to know.

2. Tap on the tag icon given on their profile to see all the posts on which the person has been tagged by others.

search birth date in tagged posts

3. Now you need to scroll down and find the post which is related to their birthday. And check the caption to confirm that the picture was tagged on that occasion.

tagged birthday post

Other Instagram Methods To Check for Someone's Birthday

Similar to the tag posts hack, you can check the older Instagram posts of that person to know about their birthday.

Don't forget to check the stories as well, because it's quite common to upload the stories on a birthday.


Facebook is a better option than any other social media platform in revealing personal information be it their schooling, graduation, relationship status, or birthday.

And there are very few chances that the person has not added their birthday on Facebook.

1. Open the profile of the person whose birthday you wanna know.

2. Tap on the See "user's name" About Info to check the person's birthday.

checking the person info on facebook

3. Here you can easily lookup the birth date of that person inside Basic info.

how to find someone's birthday on Facebook

Some people don't reveal their basic information like schooling, home town, and birthday on Facebook.

So you can tap on the Photos option and scroll down the photos to see if there's any picture that was uploaded on the birthday.

facebook photos option

You can easily get to know that the photo was posted on the occasion of the birthday by reading the caption.

birthday pics on facebook


You can definitely know about your flatmate, or coworker's birthday on Snapchat but not before the day of the occasion. But their birthday month can be seen whenever you feel like.

Let's see the methods for both cases, starting with the method to know if someone has a birthday today or not.

1. The person whose birthday you want to check should be added as your friend on Snapchat. If they are added to your friend list, you just need to launch the Snapchat on your device and swipe left to open the chat list.

2. Now you need to swipe the friend list till you find the person for whom you want to confirm if today's their birthday or not.

3. If today's the big day, then you're gonna see a cake icon adjacent to their name.

find out someone's birthday on Snapchat

Now that you know about their birthday, you can wish them on Snapchat or personally call them.

Let's take the possibility that you are certain about your wife/girlfriend's birthday date but you are not sure about the month. Well, Snapchat is more than happy to provide you with that information.

1. Open the profile of the person whose birthday month you wanna know.

open snapchat profile

2. Now, just swipe up to see the Birthstone of that person under the Charms.

checking birthstone

Snapchat is a perfect option to know the birthday of a person for whom you don't need to throw up a party. But for someone like your best friend, kid, or lover, you cannot depend on Snapchat.

For them, you need to plan a surprise party or gifts in advance. And this is not possible if you find out that today's their birthday.


Getting someone's birthday information is also possible on LinkedIn but using this platform should be your last resort. The reason is that LinkedIn reveals to the other user when someone checks their profile.

So you have to be answerable as to why you were checking their profile.

If the desired person is added to your networks, then use the following steps to get information about their birthday.

1. Launch the LinkedIn app and tap on the My Network option.

linkedin my networks

2. Tap on Manage my network option in the next step.

linkedin manage my network

3. Next, you have to tap on the Connections.

linkedin connections4. Select the person's profile whose birthday you want to know.

select the desired person

5. Now scroll down till you find the Contact heading where you can see their birthday.

birthday information in contact on linkedin

There's no certainty that you're gonna find the birthday related information on their LinkedIn profile because some people choose to hide that information.

There's an unknown trick using which you can check someone's LinkedIn profile anonymously. So if you can't take the risk of letting that person know that you checked their profile then it's best to do that quietly.


There's no such section in WhatsApp where you can just go and grab the birthday information.

But if you often talk to that person on WhatsApp, then there's a slim chance that you wished that person on WhatsApp on their birthday the previous year.

If you remember doing so, then you need to scroll and find that particular conversation. There's a date stamp attached to the conversation so you can know that on what day is their birthday.

Call A Friend

Why do you need to fear when you have friends? If you are stuck in a situation where you can't remember the birth anniversary of someone special, then why not call a mutual friend.

You just need to straightforwardly ask, do you remember on which date is Karen's or Paul's birthday? And there are good chances they remember the date, obviously, if they aren't forgetful like you. Just kidding.

Just make sure that the friend you are gonna call is not a plainspoken guy lest you might have to face a hard time.

Information Through Conversation

If you know how to play well with words, you don't need anything or anyone to know about a person's birthday.

Using some conversation techniques, you can easily get that person to indirectly tell you their birthday, while they will be completely unaware of your true intention.

For instance, let's assume you and that person are having a normal conversation. Slowly you move your conversation to something related to birthdays and ask them if they share their birthday with some famous personality.

If there's actually some famous person who's their birthday buddy, then they are gonna be more than happy to tell you about that.

Now all you need to do is search for the birthday of that celebrity when they are not around.

There are endless possibilities to start a birthday related conversation and making them slip their own birth date.

Extracting Documents By Excuse

Almost all the personal issued cards like driving license, voter id, and college id have age proof on them.

So if you can somehow have a look at their documents, BOOM, the job is done.

It can be simply done if you go to their home and find any such card lying on the table, or in a drawer. Just grab the card and get the birthday information.

If you can't find any document in their home, you can take them someplace where showing age proof is necessary. It can be a liquor store, pub, or a club.

The moment they take out the card, just sneak peek on the date of birth section. Or you can intentionally grab the card saying "you look great in your college id photo."

They can't even realize that your intention was not to praise their beauty but to know about their birthday without asking them.

If they are a sober kind of person who doesn't like to party and going to the pubs and clubs, in that case, extracting the documents is a bump in the road.

But you can also try by asking them for their resume. Tell them that your company might hire new people and you don't want them to lose this opportunity.

The only reason for providing you with multiple free methods was to save you from spending money just to look up someone's birthday.

But if all the free hacks fail, then I guess you don't have any other choice left. It's time to move towards some paid methods for finding the birthday of your known ones.


There are some amazing websites on the internet that holds the information of millions of people.

Golookup is one such website that has access to information about common citizens and it can provide you with the same information.

This is how you can easily get the birthday information of your loved ones on Golookup.

1. Go to the official Golookup website and provide the name and state (where they reside) of the person whose birth date you want to know. Tap on the Search option once you provide that information.

using public records for birthday lookup

2. All the people with that same name will appear on the screen. To identify the person you are looking for, you have to use the location, age, and related people's information of that person.

If the information matches with the person whose birthday you are craving to know, tap on Access Report.

people with same name on public records

3. Once the report is ready, you have to admit that you are 18 or elder, and you are not accessing the report to harm that person. You also need to accept the Golookup terms and conditions.

accept the terms of golookup

4. Provide your email address and tap on CONTINUE after that.

provide email to golookup

5. Finally, you need to provide the card details and tap on VIEW MY REPORT to reveal the true date of birth of the person.

view the report

Spy Apps

There are millions of people with the same name on public records. So there's no guarantee you'll find the desired person there.

So the other way you can try to find someone's birthday is by using spy apps.

Apps like Spyic are specially designed to extract the information resting on the target's phone and present it on their designed portal.

If the person whose birth date matters to you have a Google Calendar on their Android device or if they own an iPhone, then getting their birthday information is a piece of cake.

Once you purchase the spy app and install it on their device, all you need to do is, go to the Calendar section using your own (targeting) device and look for the birthday.

You can easily identify their birth date as it is gonna have "Happy birthday" written under Description.

But if you are really deciding to opt for the spy app option in order to know the birthday of your loved ones, make sure to respect their privacy.

Your only motive is to know their birth date and that's the only thing you should do with the spy app. Don't make an effort to have a look at their conversations, photos, and other personal information.

Use The Information Correctly

All the free hacks to find out someone's birthday without asking them, don't reveal much of their personal information.

But that's certainly not the case with paid methods. The public records reveal all the information that the government has under a person's name.

And you might get shocked getting exposed to the bitter truth about that person.

Similarly, is the case with the use of a spy app. It is not at all appropriate to have a look at the personal information of a person.

If you are installing a spy app just to know their birth date, then you have no right to see their personal data.

So make sure to use the paid tools correctly. You must have strong will power to let go of the paid apps and delete the data once you get to know about their birthday.

And if you think you can do so, you're more than welcome to use the paid methods.

how to find someone birthday online


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